Lectures of the year 1992


ŚB 2.4.16 Prague, Czech republic 26.1.1992

Bhagavad-Gītā As It Is

BG 3.12 Prague, Czech Republic 25.1.1992
BG Prague, Czech Republic 26.1.1992
BG 3.11 Prague, Czech Republic 24.1.1992
BG 12.15 Prague, Czech Republic 14.2.1992
BG 5.3 Prague, Czech Republic 5.5.1992
BG 13.23 Prague, Czech Republic 6.5.1992
BG 5.12 Prague, Czech Republic 21.5.1992
BG 11.51 Prague, Czech Republic 28.7.1992
BG 6.27 Prague, Czech Republic 1.9.1992
BG 6.28 Prague, Czech Republic 2.9.1992

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 1: Creation

ŚB 1.17.29 Prague, Czech Republic 24.5.1992

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation

ŚB 2.4.16 Prague, Czech republic 26.1.1992
ŚB 2.4.15 Prague, Czech Republic 25.1.1992
ŚB 2.7.4 Prague, Czech Republic 5.5.1992
ŚB 2.9.33 Prague, Czech Republic 3.9.1992
ŚB 2.7.6 Prague, Czech Republic 7.5.1992
ŚB 2.7.20 Prague, Czech Republic 23.5.1992
ŚB 2.9.3 Prague, Czech Republic 29.7.1992
ŚB 2.9.33 Prague, Czech Republic 31.8.1992
ŚB 2.7.19 1992
ŚB 2.9.2 1992

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya-līlā

CC Madhya 11.185 Prague, Czech Republic 20.5.1992
CC Madhya 18.135 Prague, Czech Republic 1992


Prague, Czech Republic 31.8.1992
Czech republic, Farm KD 23.5.1992